mass tort, the difference between mass torts and classic actions, class actions
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

The Difference Between Mass Torts and Class Actions

The difference between mass torts and class actions is subtler when comparing other cases, as they often start due to similar circumstances. However, there are still many distinctions between mass torts and class actions and how they are handled. Whether you are an attorney who wants to pursue either type of plaintiff, it will be

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Paperless law office, paperless law firm, law office, law firm,
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

Less Paper, More Profits: Can 2021 Be the Year your Practice Goes ‘Paperless’?

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent closure of many businesses forced a quick and sudden shift to digital workflows. Face-to-face meetings have been replaced by virtual screen-sharing. Instant messaging has replaced the office “pop-in.” Transmission of paper documents between parties has also declined as part of virus-mitigation efforts. With all these changes, there is no better

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mass torts work, mass tort process, mass tort cases, how mass torts work
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

How Do Mass Torts Work?

Mass torts work as civil actions involving numerous plaintiffs against one or a few defendants in state or federal court. The lawsuits arise out of claims the defendants caused numerous injuries through the same or similar acts of harm. Mass tort cases are complex and subject to intricate legal procedures which can vary in state

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3M, 3M earplugs, 3M lawsuit, 3M veterans
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

The People vs. 3M Part 2: How Much are Your Combat Earplugs Cases Worth?

The industrial conglomerate 3M started life as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing in 1902. Since that time, the company has grown into one of the largest corporations in the world, currently ranked at #103 on the Fortune 500. Makers of Scotch tape and other widely used products, the company also has a long history of fighting and settling litigation alleging

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Medical monitoring, medical lawsuits, medical lawyers, medical lawsuits, medical mass torts
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

What is Medical Monitoring?

“Medical monitoring is one of a growing number of nontraditional torts that have developed in the common law to compensate plaintiffs who have been exposed to various toxic substances toxic substances.” In re: Paoli R.R. Yard PCB Litigation, 916 F.2d 829, 849 (3rd Cir. 1990). Medical monitoring is a cause of action that plaintiffs can choose to assert

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Medical mass torts, medical lawsuits, medical class actions, medical mass tort
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

Medical Mass Torts: Harmful Drugs and Dangerous Devices

Mass tort litigation/ medical mass torts are designed to seek and address compensation for large numbers of people who have suffered similar injuries allegedly caused by a common source. Because of their scope and complexity, these cases often affect public policy changes and standard operating procedure amendments by businesses.   Serious injury caused by pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices is often a

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staff training mass tort, mass tort training, staff training mass tort
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

How Can I Get My Staff Trained in Mass Tort?

No mass tort firm, or otherwise, can be successful without the right staff. Staff training in mass tort programs meet multiple professional needs including staying apprised of developing technology, understanding court updates that impact support teams and their workflows, and fulfilling the law firm’s specific business needs.  For example, imagine an intake team who does not understand client database management systems and as a result, signed contracts and medical authorizations

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3M, 3m Earplus, 3M company, 3M lawsuits
MTI blog
The Mass Tort Institute

The People vs. 3M Part 1

Understanding the Government Contractor Defense The industrial conglomerate 3M started life as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing in 1902. Since that time, the company has grown into one of the largest corporations in the world, current ranked at #103 on the Fortune 500. Makers of Scotch tape and other widely used products, the company also has a long history of

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